Monday, December 17, 2007

Under the Microscope

Does your handwriting really tell on you? Ask my forensic handwriting expert protag Claudia Rose, and she'll tell you that your handwriting is a true mirror of your inner self. Remember Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Grey? Even while Grey remained young and beautiful on the outside, the painting changed and told the hideous truth about what was going on inside him. Handwriting is like that painting--it reveals the good, the bad, and yes, the ugly, too.

Thousands of elements make up a handwriting sample, so it does little good to wonder what it means that you cross your t this way, or dot your i that way. And Claudia gets really ticked when someone sticks their signature under her nose and says, "What can you tell me?" (A signature by itself is like the cover on a book--it only shows what the writer wants you to see.)

A professional handwriting analyst looks at the way the handwriting is arranged on the paper, the overall style of writing, and the way it all "moves" together before reaching any conclusions about the writer. That means time, measurements, and a good knowledge of psychology to put it all into a meangingful framework. To get the real skinny requires a sample of at least a few paragraphs, and preferably a whole page or more.

So, we get a good sample of writing and a signature, too. What's it say??? It reveals how you feel about yourself, your social style, thinking style; how well you organize your life and time. And it shows where your fears and defenses come from (we've all got 'em). Oh, and of course, there are those "biological urges"--the need for food, sex, money, physical comforts. And that's just scratching the surface.

No wonder some police departments, private investigators, and the CIA use the services of forensic handwriting experts--under the microscope, your handwriting spills the beans.
Learn more about handwriting analysis at
Read a sample chapter of Claudia Rose's first mystery, Poison Pen at


Unknown said...

This is very interesting. I wonder what you can tell about me based on my handwriting.

By the way, the moment I read your comment on my blog, I was like "WOW!!" I couldn't believe you actually commented on my blog. I feel so honored to see your comment. Yes it's a little stylized for that purpose but my normal handwriting does not look so different. Please take a look at "The quick brown fox" handwriting on the 2nd picture, that's my usual handwriting when I'm not in a hurry.

Would you like me to put a link on my blog to your website? I've just visited:

More power to you and have a great day,

Unknown said...

By the way, thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I wonder how did you get there?

Sheila Lowe said...

Hi Mon,
Thanks for visiting. Obviously I haven't been here in a while! I've been busy guest-blogging on other people's sites and have neglected my own.
I'd love for you to link my website on your blog.
As for your question, I don't remember how I got to your site, but glad I did.



You're FAR more expert than I am w/respect to handwriting analysis, yet I feel qualified to agree w/you 100%. I have studied graphology and used it in my business: it's amazing how things like a positive or negative attitude (at least at the writing of the "sample") can be detected in handwriting.

I spoke with a fellow today, in fact, who says he's a graphologist in addition to his job (the one that connected us) and offered to examine a sample of my handwriting. He shot me an e-mail with a request for me to write one sentence (he'd already chosen it) and four words (with instructions about using capitals. He also told me to write in cursive and not to print. (Normally, I tend to print-write.) He wanted me to fax the sample to him.

I found all his instruction and requirements to be unusual. During some research I did years ago, when Andrea McNichol examined my handwriting, she simply told me to use a ballpoint pen on a piece of 8x11 paper, to address the piece to her, to date it, and to sign my name.

Enough about me!

A VERY interesting topic and premise for a mystery series. Keep up the good work.